Sunday, 17 July 2011

Different Styles of Eye Liner

Eyeliner is the most important part of the makeup and without it makeup is not successful. Eyeliner enhance the beauty of your eyes and give them a dramatic look. With the help of eyeliner you can make your eyes bigger or smaller for this you must know different styles of Eyeliner, that are given below:

Basic Eyeliner Style:

This is the basic style of eyeliner and if you are applying the eyeliner for the first time yourself then make your hand steady by applying Basic Style first. Start applying the liner from the inner of your eye and by puling the liner to the corner of your eye. This is very easy way of applying a liner, you just need a little bit practice.

Cat Eye Liner Style:

This style is very popular and I personally Like this style because this style gives a dramatic look to your eyes. This style is best for bigger eyes. First start from the half of your eye and mark the area from where you want to start with and then pull the liner to the corner of your eye in a normal way. Now from the tip of your eye to the place where eyebrows end, draw a small dot and draw the line now drag the line till the place where you start your initial liner and coat it with the liner. This is the easiest way of applying a cat eyeliner style.

Winged Eyeliner Style:

This is similar to the Cat liner style but the difference is start from the inner lid of your eye in the basic liner style then again in the same mark from the tip of your eyebrows and mark a line and again bring the line like the cat liner style to the half of your eye. 

Arabic inspired Double Liner Style:

Start with the basic liner style and also apply liner under eye, and  make the curved line. Now from the under eye area  do in the same way as you make a curved line in the upper eye area. So you have a double liner style.This makes your eyes looking really Beautifull.

I Hope this information will guide you, you can easily apply these eyeliner styles by practicing twice or thrice.